You are important, valuable and needed!

by | Jun 5, 2020 | 0 comments

Your presence and energy on this amazing Planet Earth is so necessary now. More than ever. We’re witnessing an unprecedented shift, not just in our planetary systems, but in consciousness. This is the time to shine our light like never before. Every one of us has a part to play. Every one of us is critical to the integrity of the web of light that encircles the planet and will help move humanity into our next level of consciousness. 

But in order to do that, we need to be clear about our Purpose. Why did you come here? What are you to do? What are the gifts and talents you’re here to share and what does that look like?

You may feel a stronger impetus within you to find the answers to these questions at this time. Or you may know that you’ve already been living into your Purpose, but sense that now is the time to commit to it in a bigger way; to open up to the next incarnation of that Purpose. 

Either way, here are 3 ways to help you connect to your true purpose and vision. 

You’ll notice that each of these approaches is intuitive. That Is by design. One of the big blocks many of us have to knowing & acting on our purpose is that we’re in our heads, trying to “figure it out.” But it doesn’t work that way! 

Your Purpose is part of your Soul’s Journey. It’s the specific reason you came here at this time and your brain, which functions as a recorder of your physical experiences, does not have this information! So we need to connect to our Soul and our intuitive knowing instead, in order to get the downloads, the inspiration, the vision and the promptings that will lead us to our Purpose. So without further ado:

  1. Meditation. Meditation helps us shift our brain waves from Beta (waking consciousness/analytical) to Alpha and even Theta waves. It’s in the Alpha and Theta states that you can access your intuition. If you don’t already have a regular meditation practice, this might be the time to start one. With regular practice, you’ll be able to easily get into the Zone and have direct access to your Soul information, inner knowing and life path. Meditating in the morning, before you start your day, is especially helpful because it helps put you in a receptive state where you’re more likely to get intuitive hits throughout the day.
  2. Journaling. Journaling is an amazing way to find out what you’re really thinking! Both on the analytical level and on the intuitive level. Talk to yourself every day in your journal. Write down your questions and then answer them! I recommend using pen and paper over a keyboard, because there is magic in using your hand to actually write. It’s a direct conduit to your subconscious and will give you your best insights.
  3. Getting out in nature. Spend as much time as possible outside! Go to the forest, the “country”, the mountains, a lake, river or ocean. Getting away from man-made structures and elements is best. Being in nature for a longer time allows your body & mind to recalibrate, literally. The Earth resonates to a frequency of 7.83 Hz (called the Schumann Resonance) and that’s also the ideal frequency for our bodies. At this frequency, we’re healthy, happy and have access to our highest knowing. It’s the ultimate reset. I’ve had my best ideas and guidance come through, NOT in the shower, but on a long hike or camping trip or being on or in a natural body of water. 

Have fun with these approaches & know that they’re helping you get in touch you’re your True Self — aaaah.

Here’s to knowing your Purpose with clarity and feeling excited to jump out of bed in the morning to live it!


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Korina Felkers, find your wings

Meet Korina

I am a Clairvoyant Seer & Spiritual Teacher and my purpose in this life is to bring heaven to earth. The way I’m called to do this is through giving readings & healings, writing, teaching, growing spiritually and learning to embody joy! I hope my blog can offer some insights on your own journey.

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